# Getting Started
# Website Address
The website address is avontennis.org.uk (opens new window).
There's a separate URL for managing content - see Logging In
# Logging In
To log in:
- Go to avontennis.org.uk/admin (opens new window)
- Click the Login with Netlify Identity
- Enter your email address and password
- Click the Log in button
Contact the developer if you need to reset your password
# Control Panel
You'll see the control panel after logging in.
This is where you can manage site content, media and settings.
On the top main menu, you'll see:
- Contents - click this to manage website content
- Media - click this to manage website media, like images and downloads
- Quick add - click this to quickly create new website content
- User icon - click this to logout
# Logging Out
To logout:
- Click the user icon in the top right corner
- Click Log Out
# Checking Errors
The website automatically handles any broken or missing links.
Users see a "Page not found" message if the URL doesn't exist.
Google Analytics Administrators can get a list of the URLs generating errors:
- Login to Google Analytics
- From the sidebar, click Behaviour > Site Content > All Pages
- Set the date range from the top right corner
- Click the "Page Title" link above the table and next to "Primary Dimension"
- Enter "Page not found" in the search box above the table
- Click "Page not found | Avon Tennis" if it appears in the table
- You'll see a list of URLs that triggered the error page
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