# Contents
There are different types of content used across the site.
# Content Types
- Pages - used to display static content e.g. an "About Us" page
- Clubs - used to display details about a specific Tennis Club
- Events - used to display details about an event e.g. Presentation Eveninig
- News - used to display time sensitive news articles
- Promos - used to display promotional content on the homepage
- Sponsors - used to display details about official partners
# Creating Content
- Click "Content" at the top of the pages
- Click an item from the sidebar e.g. Pages
- Click the "New Page" button
- Complete the relevant fields - this varies depending on the Content Type
- Click the Publish button
# Updating Content
- Click "Content" at the top of the pages
- Click an item from the sidebar e.g. Pages
- Click on the title of an existing item
- Update the relevant fields
- Click the Publish button
# Duplicating Content
- Click "Content" at the top of the pages
- Click an item from the sidebar e.g. Pages
- Click on the title of an existing item
- Click the Published dropdown
- Click the Duplicate link
# Searching Content
- Click "Contents" at the top of the pages
- Type a query into the search box on the left sidebar
# Deleting Content
- Click "Content" at the top of the pages
- Click an item from the sidebar e.g. Pages
- Click on the title of an existing item
- Click the Delete Entry button
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